• E. D. Yuniwati


The low potential of soil fertility, so far is solved by the provision of fertilizer both organic and inorganic, without any other conservation measures. This method is incorrect but less accurate, because fertilizer causes the soil to become passive, so there is no "recycle" soil fertility, so the dose of fertilizer every year continues to grow. The Organic Farming System with land resource management is an agricultural system that can increase crop production without experiencing the degradation of soil fertility. The main principle to obtain sustainable production is not only to consider the soil as a medium for plant growth that should only provide nutrients, water, and environment for the plant, but also treat it as a production subject that must be maintained and maintained in its fertility. Land Resource Improvement is the conservation technology used as the "Land Husbandry" Technology Approach,. This is because Land Husbandry as key of the Land Resources. This approach aims to reduce soil degradation on land by using a land quality index. The main indicator of the determination of the soil quality index by adding organic materials, which used both for organic fertilization as well as from the returning of plant biomass. Organic matter plays an important role in the formation and stabilization of soil aggregates, increasing porosity of the soil, and the ability to store water available, providing nutrients, and food sources as well as micro-soil microorganisms. The purpose of this study is to improve land resources, especially soil quality as the key technology of Land Husbandry conservation, which is the benchmark of success of Organic Farming. The experiment was conducted in Jatikerto Village, Kromengan District, Malang Regency. Organic materials used of manure produced by farmers, compost, and blotong from sugar factory Kebonagung, Malang. The result of this research is that technology can improve the soil quality index (R = 0,8139) and can improve soil aggregation, thus preventing land degradation. This technology can improve the yield of cassava and maize. After being evaluated for 5 years, this technology meets the principle of Organic Farming. The yield of cassava is 39.53 t / ha in the treatment of manure (N + Pk) and and 40,16 t / ha on N + Kmp treatment.