Dampak Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian di Kelurahan Balearjosari Terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga Petani dan Mantan Petani
The Balearjosari area, Blimbing sub-district is a suburb of Malang which has the potentialof lowland rice farming, but currently there is a decline in the number of farmers. At present
there are 68 farmers with an average land area of 0.45 hectares (ha). This number is decreasing
due to changes in agricultural land to other sectors, necessities of life, such as school fees for
children, which are certainly very heavy if they only rely on income from rice farming.
Problems that arise with the transfer of this land to farm families: 1) How much income farmers
and former farmers Balearjosari Village, 2) Where farmers Balearjosari Village work after the
progress of the city, 3) What is the shift of work from rice farmers to other sectors able to
increase the income of former Balearjosari village farmers. The sample used was 46 people.
Data analysis using profit analysis π = TR - TC and two different test averages. The results of
the study show that 1) the amount of non-agricultural business income carried out by residents
of the former Balearjosari village farmers for 10 months is Rp. 12,889,673.00, while in the same
period farmers' income is Rp. 5,750,139.00 2) Types of work as a form of labor transfer from
the rice farming sector to other sectors are canary breeders, rattan craftsmen, car workshops,
traders, clothes tailors, rattan drawers, welders, furniture / carving builders, livestock duck, car
painting, 3) the income of ex-farmers is much higher with a very real difference of Rp.
7,139,534.00 per 10 months.