STRATEGI BERTAHAN HIDUP RUMAH TANGGA PETANI di MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi kasus di Desa Tunggul Wulung, Kecamatan Pandaan)

  • Rizky Widyaningsih
  • Desy Cahyaning Utami


The application of social restrictions makes farmers have to adapt to a new pattern of living where farmers are required to innovate so that they can continue to cultivate even though they are in the midst of a pandemic. The purpose of this study is how the outpouring of farmers' working time during the covid-19 pandemic and the contribution of farmers' income as a survival strategy carried out by farmer households as total household income. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach. Quantitative approach is an approach that in the process of research proposals, processes, going down to the field, analyzing data and conclusions to writing using aspects of measurement, calculation, formulas, and certainty of numerical data. And analyzed by descriptive statistics. Farmers' working hours were analyzed by t-test using one sample t-test, as well as the contribution of farmers' income as a survival strategy for farmer households.The results of this study indicate that the outpouring of household working time of farmers inĀ  Tunggul Wulung village is still below the criteria for achieving working days because the middle period between planting and harvesting is the outpouring of working time in the field of farming. The largest contribution of farmer household income is in farming + side work which shows a very large contribution. The livelihood strategies used by the respondents are based on how they manage all incomes as well as possible according to the 4 strategies.
