ANALISIS MINAT GENERASI Z BERWIRAUSAHA DI BIDANG PERTANIAN (Studi Kasus Desa Purwosari, Kecamatan Purwosari, Kabupaten Pasuruan)

  • Sri Dwi Wahyuni
  • Wenny Mamilianti


The interest of the younger generation in agriculture is closely related to how they perceive agriculture. A person's interest in something greatly influences a person's behavior and decisions about various alternative choices. The aim of this research is to know the description of Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector and to analyze socio-economic factors, information technology influences Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector. The research location was carried out in Purwosari Village, Purwosari District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province. The analytical method to describe the interest of Generation Z towards entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector uses tabular descriptive while the analytical method to analyze the factors that influence the interest of Generation Z towards entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector uses the probit regression model. Generation Z's interest in entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector is 53.75%, while not interested in farming is 46.25%. Factors that influence the interest of Generation Z to do entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector are education, parents' occupation, living environment, development of the agricultural sector.
