• M. Adri Budi S.


This study aims to determine the Effect of Storage Temperature and Seed Weight on Early Growth of
Lumajang Local Durian Seeds, which was held in Sekarpuro Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency,
from August to January 2017. The experimental design used was: Completely Randomized Design
(RAL) ) arranged factorially, the first factor is Storage Temperature (T1: Room Temperature (27oC)
and T2: Cold Temperature (5oC)), and the second Factor is Seed Weight (D1: 10 gram, D2: 20 gram,
and D3: 30 gram), it will get six combinations of treatments are obtained which consist of the
following: T1B1: Durian seeds stored at room temperature (27oC) with a weight of 10 grams of
seeds; T2B1: Durian seeds stored in cold temperatures (5oC) with a weight of 10 grams of seeds;
T1B2: Durian seeds stored at room temperature (27oC) with a weight of 20 grams of seeds; T2B2:
Durian seeds are stored in cold temperatures (5oC) with a weight of 20 grams of seeds; T1B3: Durian
seeds stored at room temperature (27oC) with a weight of 30 grams of seeds; T2B3: Durian seeds are
stored in cold temperatures (5oC) with a weight of 30 grams of seeds. Each treatment was repeated 4
times, and each replication was repeated 2 times. The results of the study include: (a) The treatment
of storing temperature and seed weight gave interactions in the second observation hypocotyl length,
number of leaves at 6th observation, number of lateral roots at second and third observations, length
of taproot on 2nd, 3rd and 4th observations, and the length of the Lateral Root at the 1st to 5th
observations, (b) The use of seed weight has a significant effect on the length of the Lateral Root,
hypocotyl length, number of leaves, bud diameter, the number of Lateral Roots, and the length of
taproot, (c) The use of temperature has a significant effect on hypocotyl length, and (d) The lowest
results for all observation variables with heavy use of 10gram durian seeds, while the highest weighs
30 grams, while cold temperature treatment ( 5oC) influences at the beginning of development, (e)
The highest results are: (1) the highest average hypocotyl length of 10.69 cm (T2B3); (2) The highest
number of leaves is 9.5 pieces (T1B3), (3) The average diameter of the widest shoot is 1.47 cm; (4)
The average length of taproots is 7.23 cm (T1B3 (, (5) The number of Lateral Roots is 58.40 pieces
(T1B3), and (6) The longest average Lateral Root Length is 5, 73 cm (T2B3)