PRIMORDIA <p><em>Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Ilmu Pertanian</em></p> Universitas Wisnuwardhana en-US PRIMORDIA 0216-7093 PENGARUH JENIS DAN KOMPOSISI MEDIA TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN KEDELAI TRANSGENIK (Glycine max L. Merr. Var. Wilis) DENGAN SISTEM HIDROPONIK <p><em>Soybean is one of Indonesia's leading food commodities, which continues to experience a surge in demand every year. Land conversion is the cause of the decline in agricultural product production, resulting in a difference between demand and food production. Hydroponics can be a solution for utilizing narrow land as agricultural land with easy and diverse application techniques. The utilization of plant waste as a planting medium is an alternative to reduce waste. The purpose of this study was to determine the interaction of type and composition of hydroponic media on the growth and yield of transgenic soybeans. This study used a factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD), which was arranged with 2 factors, namely the first factor in the form of media type: (M1) Apple Waste; (M2) Moringa Waste; (M3) Banana Waste; (M4) Coconut Waste; (M5) Pineapple Waste. And the second factor is the composition of the media: (K1) 1/8; (K2) 1/6; (K3) 1/4; (K4) 1/2. So that 20 treatments were obtained with 2 replications for each treatment. The results of the study included: (1) No interaction between the type and composition of the media for all observations, (2)the impact separation of type and composition of the media have seen in the second observation, namely the number and area of&nbsp; leaves; (2) The best treatment of hydroponic media with coconut waste (M4) had a significant effect on the height, number of leaves and leaf area of&nbsp; soybean plants; Meanwhile, Moringa waste (M2) has a significant effect on the formation of flowers and pods; (3) The best composition of media that affects the growth and yield of soybean plants is 1/4 part of the waste (K3) which affects plant height, number of leaves, leaf and flower area; while 1/2 part of waste (K4) has a significant effect on the formation of pods; (4) The treatment of media with the best composition for vegetative growth of soybean plants is that 1/4 part of the content of Moringa waste (M2K3) affects the increase in leaf number and leaf area, while 1/4 part of the banana waste content (M3K3) affects the increase in plant height; (5) The media treatment with the best composition to accelerate soybean production is 1/4 part of the waste content of Moringa (M2K3) and 1/6 part of the content of coconut waste (M4K2).</em></p> Roli Martheda M. Adri Budi S. Istiyono Kirnoprasetya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 20 1 10.37303/primordia.v20i1a141 ANALISIS PENDAPATAN USAHATANI APEL MANALAGI (Malus sylvestris) DI DESA MADIREDO, KECAMATAN PUJON, KABUPATEN MALANG <p><em>Manalagi apples (Malus sylvestris) are one of the famous apple varieties in East Java. The Manalagi apple &nbsp;has become an icon of Malang Raya. One of the farming groups that has long developed Manalagi Apple farming is the Harapan farming group. This farming business group brings together apple farmers in Madiredo Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency. Manalagi Apple (malus sylvestris) farming income in Madiredo Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency. Data collection methods use observation, questionnaires and interviews as well as documentation. Data analysis techniques were carried out using cost analysis methods, revenue analysis and income analysis, Break Event Point (BEP) analysis and R/C ratio analysis to determine the feasibility of Manalagi Apple (malus sylvestris) farming. The research results show that the income from Manalagi Apple (malus sylvestris) farming in Madiredo Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency in the harvest month of April 2021 was IDR. 156,751,155.80 /Ha/season with an R/C ratio value of 4.11 and a ratio level of &gt; 1. Therefore it can be concluded that Manalagi Apple (malus sylvestris) farming in Madiredo Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency is profitable and worth pursuing.</em></p> Muhandoyo ir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 20 1 10.37303/primordia.v20i1a142